Hackerii naționaliști români (RNS) au spart sistemele de email a lui Putin și Medvedev chiar pe 23 august

25 august 2010
Serviciul de e-mail al celor care asigura protectia prim ministrului rus, Vladimir Putin, si a presedintelui rus, Dmitri Medvedev, a fost atacat luni de hackeri.

“Un atac informatic asupra unuia dintre serverele de mail a fost inregistrat pe 23 august. O investigatie este in curs”, a declarat Serviciului federal rus de protectie a datelor (FSO), citat de AFP, Ziare.com si news24.com . Rumorile pe internet sunt ca hackerii provin din tarile baltice si au tinut sa comemoreze astfel ziua Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov.

Iata stirea AFP:

Moscow – Hackers attacked the email system of the Russian guard service responsible for protecting President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, the service said on Tuesday.

“An attempted attack on one of the mail websites of the service was registered on August 23. An investigation is now being carried out,” The Federal Guard Service (FSO), said in a statement, the Interfax news agency reported.

The service on its most public side controls access to Moscow’s Red Square and the Lenin Mausoleum. But the shadowy agency’s main responsibility is to protect top state officials.

The website targeted by hackers is “not part of the system that controls the functioning of state organs,” the service said in a terse statement, in an apparent move to downplay the significance of the attack.

Anyone could access site

All the mail servers that directly relate to the functioning of state organs “underwent extra testing”, but no breaches were discovered, the FSO said.

The hacker attack surfaced on Monday when anonymous internet forums published messages in English giving a link to the site, Vedomosti business daily reported on Tuesday.

“For several hours, anyone who wanted to could access the email archive of the Federal Guard Service,” Vedomosti reported.

The link was to a system for monitoring email traffic and managing email archives, and the website’s IP address was one controlled by the FSO, Vedomosti reported.

The link was not working on Tuesday.


The breach occurred because the system’s designers did not block outside access and because administrators did not change default passwords, an expert at ESET computer security company, Alexander Matrosov, told Vedomosti.

IT news web site Khaker.ru published screen shots of emails. Ironically, one is about the “information security” of a section of the widely touted system of electronic government.

In a speech in 2009, Medvedev criticised the use of “tons of paper” for internal documents and bureaucrats who use computers as “typewriters”.

In June, FSO announced a tender for a new website, at a cost of 5.76 million rubles.

8 comentarii:

Igor Caraman spunea...

Vai, ce bucurie :)

Anonim spunea...

o să-i pape kgb-ul

Dragoș Galbur spunea...

Ei, o să-i pupe-n cot

LIBER V(_) spunea...

De ce n-avem și noi în Moldova așa hackeri? Parcă îl arătase la ProTV pe un geniu cibernetic?!

Anonim spunea...

nu o sa-i prinda caci ei nu au cum sa dea de ei :)
p.s. Tudor

Anonim spunea...


Sheridan spunea...

Și de unde rezultă că atacul e din partea celor de la RNS ? Le slabuță beșina.

RNS spunea...

Sheridan, esti prea mic ca personalitate in spatiul romanesc ca sa stii de unde !

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